United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men

Email : fishingarmstrong1@gmail.com

Phone : 201 927 5461


 The Galilee United Mehtodist Church - United Methodist Men are men of Faith who are a Charter Member of the General Commission United Methodist men. The Vision Statement is HELPING MN GROW IN CHRIST, SO OTHERS MAY KNOW CHRIST. The Galilee UMM Community Outreach is now partnering with St. Paul's Church in their Mentoring Program, the St. Paul's African-American Male Initiative. WE help teenagers with behavioral and relationship missteps, to guide, and help them adjust in communicating with their eviroment. We set goals and work towards their achievement, hopefully mentoring them to maturity and a closer relationship with God. The men of faith also help the CHurch with finances through fund raisers. Also donating funds for the Galilee Visionary Cafe Community after school Tutoring Program. The UMM also volunteer their time in many programs in the Church.