Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Staff-Parish Relations Committee



The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) works with the pastor, church secretary, musical director, treasurer, host and the custodian as staff.  The SPRC has the goal of developing and maintaining positive, Christ-centered relationships between the staff and the congregation as we support the mission of our church.  Purposefully, the SPRC consists of male and female church members of various ages and interests who are active in their spiritual growth and who communicate well with members of the congregation. 

As both leaders and managers, Galilee's SPRC makes sure that all church staff positions are filled and that staff contracts are up-to-date.  The SPRC prepares staff job descriptions and assists with interviews, as needed.  The SPRC also assists in establishing policies that involve staff. 

 The Parsonage Committee, a sub-committee of SPRC, focuses on the needs of the pastor in the churh parsonage.

Petronella Linson